Elections 2025
Nominations are open until Monday 3rd March at 12.00 am. To nominate yourself send an email to [email protected] specifying the role you are applying for and a singular PowerPoint slide manifesto to present on elections day. The elections will take place on the 5th March in MS.03 between 16.00-18.00. At elections, you will present a speech (up to 4 mins for president and vice president, up to 3 mins for other roles). At which anonymous voting will take place. You must purchase a membership for WWES to vote and run in elections.
The following positions are open for nominations.
- President (x1)
- Chair Executive Meetings
- Oversee the workings of the society, assign roles and targets
- Lead and inform the visions and ethos of the society
- Figurehead and face of the society
- Support development of skills within the team
- Apply to society Awards
- Must of been on exec previously
- Vice President (x1)
- Chair Executive Meetings in absence of president
- Take minutes during meetings
- Support the president
- Responsible for arranging meetings
- Run buddy system
- Must of been on exec previously
- Treasurer (x1)
- Maintain up-to-date record of finances
- Ensuring processing of funds through the SU
- Submit grand funding applications
- Produce annual financial report
- Assist industry link coordinators with funding
- Industry Links Coordinators (x2)
- Be point of contact for external companies obtaining sponsorships and partnerships for WWES
- Handle WWES email account
- Network on behalf of WWES
- Help with planning/finding speakers for panel discussions and academic events
- Academic Events Officer (x2)
- Work with industry links coordinator for speakers for events
- Work with university departments to organise academic support
- Organise and run events such as workshops, etc
- Marketing Officer (x2)
- Design and template all posters, flyers, roller banner
- Design and order WWES merchanise
- Run the Instagram account
- Obtaining material material from events
- Create videos or promotions and award applications
- IT Officer (x1)
- Maintain society’s website
- Send weekly newsletter emails to WWES members
- Welfare Officer (x2)
- Complete SU’s welfare training
- Organise weekly Wellbeing Wednesday
- Promote campaigns such as International, Women’s Day
- Be a point of contact for people to talk to
- Outreach Coordinator (x2)
- Organise outreach programs with local schools
- Organise workshop events for students
- Reach out to university departments to help with university outreach programmes
- Social Secretary (x2)
- Organise socials (both drinking and sober) throughout term
- Collaborate with other societies for socials
- Aim to run 2 POPs and 1 Skool dayz circles per term
- Organise buddy system socials